I help ambitious women build the confidence to make the changes and impact they want to make.

Welcome to the Katrina K. Blog!

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Are you struggling to increase sales in your coaching business? Most life coaches I’ve met have so many experiences that make them fabulous at coaching.  They’re driven to serve. They’re excellent listeners. They see the potential in people and have a desire to help them realize that potential.  And their lived experiences and professional careers […]

Increase Sales in Your Coaching Business By Doing This

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When I started my coaching business, I was a general life coach. I knew I wanted to help women manage their stress levels and create boundaries so they could stop feeling so overwhelmed. But when I started sharing my offer I focused almost entirely on the features of the offer. I’d share the name of […]

Create Your Irresistible Offer With These 7 Steps

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I see you, Coach. You’ve been building your coaching business for a while now. You’re getting clients here and there but you thought you’d be further along by now.  You’ve listened to all the gurus. You’re doing so many of the things they’re telling you to do to try to get your message out there […]

How to Make More Money as a Life Coach in 2022

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So you made the bold decision to go all in on your coaching business. You told your family and you were even brave enough to finally share the news with your boss.  To your relief your boss expressed the company’s sadness to see you go and reassured you that you could always come back. This […]

3 Ways Your Backup Plan Is Holding Your Business Back

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There’s no doubt about it. The online coaching space is saturated.  It’s filled with fabulous coaches sharing incredible ideas and an endless supply of value. This will only be more true in 2022. And while being a part of the coaching industry right now can be extremely profitable, there are many coaches who aren’t seeing […]

How to Grow Your Business More Quickly in 2022

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Everyone’s multi-passionate. I am. You are. We all are.  Being Multi-Passionate Isn’t Unique We aren’t unique because we’re multi-passionate. I know, it feels like we are, right? But think about it. Everyone has multiple things they’re passionate about. They might not be the same things as you, but I’ve yet to meet someone who only […]

Being Multi-Passionate Is a Bad Excuse

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Really! Selling doesn’t have to feel sleazy, slimy, or weird. But if it does for you, I get it. When I started my business the thought of selling felt awful. What Often Think Sleazy When We Hear the Word Selling For me when I’d think about selling I’d immediately have visions of the pushy car […]

Sales Doesn’t Have to Feel Sleazy

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When you come from a service profession you learn that your job is to make everyone happy. As an educator I built a successful career around making my students, their parents, and my administration happy.  Here’s What Happened When I Tried to Make Everyone Happy in My Business When I started building my business I […]

Stop Trying to Make Everyone Happy

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I don’t believe that having kids means we have to put our goals and dreams on a shelf so we can be 100% available to them.  If we really want something, we can create it whether or not we have children.   Your Kids Are Not the Reason You Aren’t Doing What You Wish You Were […]

Chase Your Dreams Because of Your Kids

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“Ugh, you’re crying again?!? Why are you so sensitive?” I can’t count the number of times my brother said that to me when we were kids. He used to think I was way too emotional and sensitive. I remember him being in trouble one time when he was in high school and my dad was […]

Being Sensitive Is My Super Power