I help ambitious women build the confidence to make the changes and impact they want to make.

Welcome to the Katrina K. Blog!

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I’ve committed to doing something scary! I’ll be sharing my truth and being vulnerable in my business over the next 30 days. AHHHH! Why Am I Showing This Vulnerable Side? Well, I know this is for my growth and I’m definitely here for that, but underneath my desire for growth I also want to connect […]

Being Vulnerable in Your Online Business

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Once you committed to build your business online you immediately got pulled in every different direction and lost your focus and momentum.  That loss of focus and momentum meant you stopped showing up consistently. Now you’re left wondering how to increase your visibility online to help your brand stand out. You know you love coaching. […]

5 Ways to Increase Your Visibility Online

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Have you been playing around with the idea that you’d like to narrow down and nail your niche but then your fears get in the way? I get it. I’ve been there too. For many new coaches, the thought that they need to narrow down their niche is really uncomfortable.  But it really doesn’t have […]

Overcome Your Fear And Nail Your Niche

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I see you. You think you’ve narrowed down your niche. But now you’re left wondering, “But how do I know if I have a profitable niche?” Well, I’ve got you covered. I’ve created a complete “profitable niche” checklist with 10 things for you to consider when determining if you have the right niche or not. […]

A Complete “Profitable Niche” Checklist

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You’ve been a life coach for a while now and you don’t have a niche yet. You’ve had a few clients and you absolutely love coaching.  You know you were meant for this work. But when it comes to marketing your business online and finding your ideal clients, you’re starting to wonder what you’re doing […]

10 Reasons Having a Niche Is Important

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To Build a Profitable Business, Start By Niching Down You know you need to niche down if you want to have less of a jobby and more of a profitable business. But you’re still left wondering how to do that. 3 Steps to Finding Your Aligned and Profitable Niche Let’s start with three simple steps […]

How to Determine if Your Niche is Profitable

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Are You Stuck In Selling Paralysis? If the thought of selling your coaching program has you paralyzed, I get it. Most of us have at least one experience of being sold to that felt awful.  Now as entrepreneurs and social sellers ourselves, that memory creeps into our minds and makes us second guess ourselves.  So […]

How to Overcome Your Fear of Social Selling

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What Is Your Offer and What Results Do You Help Your Client Get? “Offer? I don’t even know what I offer. Actually if I’m being honest I don’t even know how to explain exactly what my clients get from working with me.” Does this sound familiar? If so, I see you.  And I’m here to […]

Create the Perfect Offer for Your Ideal Client

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Struggling With Niche Drama? Finding your perfect niche doesn’t have to be so dang hard.  You’re probably just looking for it in the wrong place. You won’t find your niche by looking around at what other people are doing. Nor will you find it by looking at how they’re doing it because your niche is […]

Niche Drama and What to Do About It

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More and more people are talking about life coaching and it’s making you wonder.  Can you really make money as a life coach? Simply put, yes you can make money as a life coach. Resources: What Is a Life Coach (blog post) Pin this for later: My Experience When I first started my business I […]

Can You Make Money As a Life Coach?