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Katrina K.


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Being Vulnerable in Your Online Business

I’ve committed to doing something scary! I’ll be sharing my truth and being vulnerable in my business over the next 30 days. AHHHH!

Why Am I Showing This Vulnerable Side?

Well, I know this is for my growth and I’m definitely here for that, but underneath my desire for growth I also want to connect with you on a deeper level. And I know that’s hard to do if I’m not sharing more truthfully who I am. 

I’ve felt the pull in this direction repeatedly over the course of this year. But each time I’ve dipped my toes in without really being courageous and jumping in. I’ve played it safe and stayed comfortable in many ways.  

Over the past few months I’ve had some major personal breakthroughs that have led to a greater acceptance (and love) of who I am right now, in this moment, which has opened me up to feeling safer to share my truth with you.

What Might Happen When I’m Vulnerable In My Business?

You might not like what I share. 

You might disagree with me. 

You might wonder who I think I am.

But you might also share my experiences. 

You might also feel seen, heard, and validated. 

And I actually want both of those.  

I’m not here to have a million followers!

Resource (blog post): How Do You Encourage Vulnerability in Online Spaces?

What I Really Want for My Business

Actually I don’t want followers at all. I want a community of empowered women who are here to collaborate, learn, grow, and feel safe to be exactly who they are with all their imperfections and unique gifts. 

I’m here to build a small but mighty group of women who are fully here and feel a deep connection to me, the other women in my community, and the value I’m sharing with the world.

One of my core values is building real, genuine, authentic relationships.

With myself first and then with you.

This has been at the root of everything good in my life and every success I’ve created. 

But I’ve struggled to do that online because it’s felt too scary.

So, I’m letting you know that I’m showing up with fear, uncertainty, and anxiety, and I’m allowing it to be there without running the show. 

Because I’m allowing curiosity, self-trust, and my intuition to guide me. 

If you’re here for this and are interested in being a part of my community, drop me a message so I can get to know you.

I’m so thrilled and thankful that you’re here!

Here goes everything, friend!

Resource (blog post): 5 Ways to Increase Your Visibility Online

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