Who Are You Now? Have you been wondering who you’ve become? Have you been thinking that you aren’t sure who you are now that you’re married, a mom with little children, divorced, moving up the ladder in your career, on an island starting your own business, or a mom of older, more independent children? Keep […]
You consider yourself to be a procrastinator. You often find yourself saying, “I’m such a procrastinator.” And lately, you’ve been wondering why you procrastinate so much. I’m going to help you understand why you procrastinate so much, even with the things you really want to do. Pin this for later: Your Thoughts Create Your Reality […]
If you’re like most women, you get home from work, feel exhausted, and dread the long list of things you now need to get done at home. You desperately want to know the secret to having more energy after work. The work day takes everything out of you and you’re stressed, irritable, and feel like […]
1. Get Clear About What a Perfectionist Is and Does To challenge your inner perfectionist you need to first understand what perfectionism is. Perfectionism is usually a cover up for fear. It’s a fear of failing or making mistakes, or a fear of being judged, criticized, or rejected. If you’re a perfectionist, you likely worry […]
Wondering How You Could Feel Better? You are designed to feel all emotions because you’re human. If you do that, you will feel better. Somewhere along the way, though, you were taught that feeling emotions is a negative thing you should fear. So instead of feeling your emotions, what you often do is react to […]
Imposter syndrome is a real thing. Picture this. You’ve finally taken a leap of faith. You’ve gone after the one thing you’ve been wanting to pursue for what feels like a lifetime. Maybe it’s a leadership position, maybe it’s a relationship, or maybe it’s the business you’ve always dreamed of creating. Whatever you’ve decided to […]
I used to think of myself as a perfectionist. I didn’t tell people that. But it was a strong belief I had about myself. And I thought of it as a positive trait. In my mind I used to think that whoever saw me striving for perfection would admire my work ethic and quality of […]
The new year is inching closer and there’s an undeniable desire for change. This year I think we’re craving that more than ever before. I’m going to share with you how to set goals and successfully meet them so you can make it your best year yet. You can make 2021 your year, my friend! […]
I think goal setting is one of the most important practices you can learn if you’re serious about changing your life. You might think setting goals sounds boring and rigid. Maybe you’ve tried and failed to meet your goals so many times that you’ve given up on trying. Or maybe you’ve hated how it’s felt […]
This time of year I love setting aside time to look back and reflect on the past year. Even with the unpredictable and unforgettable events of 2020, this year is no different. Making time for reflection helps me in so many ways and I have no doubt it can help you too. If you’re anything […]