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Being Multi-Passionate Is a Bad Excuse

Everyone’s multi-passionate.

I am. You are. We all are. 

Being Multi-Passionate Isn’t Unique

We aren’t unique because we’re multi-passionate. I know, it feels like we are, right?

But think about it. Everyone has multiple things they’re passionate about. They might not be the same things as you, but I’ve yet to meet someone who only has one thing they love.

I’ve been noticing a trend in coaches lately. They’re not creating the results they want. But they’re unwilling to niche down. It’s not so much because they don’t want to. They often say they want to but they then follow up with an explanation for why they can’t.

Why Coaches Say They Can’t Niche Down

And their reason goes something like this…I wish I could niche down but I just can’t because I’m such a multi-passionate person.

Yes, we all are!

So it’s not a good excuse for why we’re not able to niche down and build a profitable business. Because the truth is that if you’re not getting the results you want without a niche, it’s time to get serious about your business. And that starts with getting clear about who you want to help, what you want to help them with, and how you want to help them.

The Multi-Passionate Excuse Haunted Me Too

I used the multi-passionate excuse for the first 2 years of my business.

I wondered why I wasn’t meeting more people. I wondered why I didn’t have very many conversations in my DMs on Instagram.  And I wondered why the conversations usually sounded like this, “You’re so inspiring,” but didn’t create clients.

Now when clients come to me and tell me they’re multi-passionate, I like to ask them who isn’t.  And if they’re ready to remove that barrier, I help them do that.

What if instead of thinking of niching down as a negative, you considered the possibilities niching down could create for you and your business?

Resource (blog post): Why I Think Being Multi-Passionate Is Bullshit

Powerful Results That Are Possible When You Decide to Niche Down

Here are some of the results my clients and I have now that we’ve claimed our niches:

  • Everything in our businesses is so much more simple.
  • We feel less overwhelmed.
  • Our people are coming to us.
  • We’re seen as the experts in our niches.
  • We’re showing up consistently.
  • We’re the go-to people for our niches.
  • We get to focus our energy on becoming really knowledgeable in our niched areas.
  • We’re thought leaders in our niches.
  • We stand out.
  • We feel confident because we know what we’re talking about.
  • We’re certain we can help our clients get massive results.
  • We can charge more because we’re focused on honing our skills in our niches.
  • We’re easy to find.
  • Our audiences know us.
  • Our audiences know how we help people.
  • People who don’t want what we’re offering unfollow us which frees us up to focus on serving the people who do want what we’re offering.
  • Our engagement has gone up.
  • We’re collaborating with so many more people.
  • We’re selling in the DMs without it being sleazy.
  • We’re consistently signing clients.

It’s Just a Decision

Deciding on a niche is really just a decision. It’s a powerful decision that will help you build a solid foundation for a successful business. But really, it’s still just a decision. If you’re ready to create a business built on a foundation that will allow you to sustainable grow, then start by getting clear about your niche.

Resource (blog post): Overcome Your Fear and Nail Your Niche

One Last Thought!

Most of the time coaches fear that they’re going to have to throw out everything they’ve created and start all over if they niche down. That’s rarely the case. Most of the time they’ve already started to create an impactful coaching practice. They just need to make a few decisions that will simplify their businesses. One being narrowing their niche. This helps them to show up more confidently and consistently and it helps their ideal clients find them so much more easily.

If you’re ready to get serious about building a profitable business, grab my guide below to help you identify who your ideal client is and nail your niche. Let’s turn your hobby into the business of your dreams.

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