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Katrina K.


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Chase Your Dreams Because of Your Kids

I don’t believe that having kids means we have to put our goals and dreams on a shelf so we can be 100% available to them. 

If we really want something, we can create it whether or not we have children.  

Your Kids Are Not the Reason You Aren’t Doing What You Wish You Were

Think about the pressure and responsibility you’re putting on your kids when you say they’re the reason you can’t do something.

Consider the resentment you feel towards your family when you think they’re the reason you aren’t living your life in the way you want.

Think about the generational patterns you’re creating when you think you can’t do what you really want because of your kids.

Resource (blog post): Stop Trying to Make Everyone Else Happy

Consider Looking At This With a Different Lens

Think about this.

What if instead you chose to pursue your dream because of your kids? 

Instead what if you chose to live your life fully so you could be an example for your kids of what’s possible for them?

What if instead you decide on purpose to create a life you want which includes pursuing your dreams AND being a present mom?

Consider if it’s possible that living a life you love gives your kids permission to also create a life they love too.

Your Kids Want You to Be a Role Model

I choose to believe that I’m a better human because I’m pursuing my dreams.  I have a marriage I’m crazy about, a relationship with my daughter that fills me with so much joy, and a business that I’m truly passionate about. 

Your kids don’t need you to put everything you want on hold until they move out.

They want a role model that teaches them how to treat themselves not only by the way she treats them but also by the way she treats herself.

So sign up for that class you’ve been wanting to take, hire a housekeeper, make time for yourself during the day, create time for that hobby that you used to love, say yes to that girls’ trip to Europe, or go all in on your business.

You will be better because of it and so will your kids. 

Resource (blog post): Want to Chase Your Dreams While Raising Kids? Here’s How You Can

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