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How to Grow Your Business More Quickly in 2022

There’s no doubt about it. The online coaching space is saturated.  It’s filled with fabulous coaches sharing incredible ideas and an endless supply of value. This will only be more true in 2022. And while being a part of the coaching industry right now can be extremely profitable, there are many coaches who aren’t seeing the results they want or thought they would.  They’re left wondering what the secret is. And they desperately wish they could grow their businesses more quickly. So let’s chat about how to grow your business more quickly in 2022.

How do I know there are coaches who aren’t seeing the results they want? 

Because I was one of them and I work with many coaches in this exact situation.

My Story of Why I Didn’t Grow My Business More Quickly

When I started my coaching business a few years ago I desperately wanted to create all that the coaching industry is famous for selling: 10k months, passive income, and massive impact.  I jumped in and started learning everything I could and taking massive action. But what happened was not exactly what I expected.  I signed clients here and there but I wasn’t hitting those illustrious money goals that I thought every coach in the industry hit right away. Nor was I making the impact I knew I was capable of making.

So why wasn’t I meeting my goals? 

I knew I was a great coach.  I knew my clients were getting great results.  I knew I loved everything about coaching. And I knew there was nothing else I’d rather be doing. But I was also exhausted from doing all the other things required when building a business. It wasn’t until I took a step back that I was able to see things more clearly.  I could see all the things I was doing and how complicated I was making everything. And I knew there had to be another way. 

Was There a Way to Grow MY Business More Quickly?

I had heard that niching down was vital for so many reasons. I knew that with a niche I would know exactly who I was helping. I knew I’d be crystal clear on the thing that they were struggling with. I knew it would help me to clearly communicate how I helped my ideal client solve their problem. And I knew that within my niche I’d be able to stand out if I figured out how I did what I did differently than anyone else.

Really, I knew deep down inside that having a clear niche would simplify my business. And if I simplified my business, I’d be able to grow it more easily and quickly. 

I Let the Niche Drama Get in MY Way

The problem was that I was so afraid to niche down! But I also knew I was 100% responsible for my results. And I didn’t like the results I was creating. 

I reminded myself that I’d tried so many things and I still wasn’t getting the results I wanted. But I also reminded myself that one major thing I hadn’t tried was narrowing down my niche. 

So, I decided I’d give it a try. And decided I’d commit to it for 6 to 9 months. 

Resource (blog post): Overcome Your Fear and Nail Your Niche

Learn From my Mistakes

The online space is saturated. There are so many coaches.  But many of them are not niched down. They’re trying to talk to everyone about everything thinking that if they narrowed their niche they’d be turning business away.  And I get it. I was there.  

But here’s what ended up being true for me. The moment I committed to narrowing down my niche, everything became so much simpler and clearer. And my business began to grow.  I focused on serving the ideal client I really wanted to serve.  I spent time in her head so I could understand exactly what she was struggling with.  I created my offer just for her.  And I was able to show up so much more confidently because I knew exactly who I was talking to, what she wanted, how I could help her get what she wanted, and how I did that differently than anyone else. 

Here’s the Secret to Growing Your Business More Quickly in 2022

Finally I had figured out the secret. The secret was to simplify everything. 

Simplifying everything in your business in 2022 will help you grow your business so much more quickly. You’ll know exactly who you’re talking to. You’ll have an offer that’s tailored to them and helps them get the exact result they want. You’ll feel confident to show up, connect with your ideal client, and share more value because you’ll have clarity around every foundational piece of your business. And you’ll be seen as the authority in your field. This means more people will see you as the expert in your niche and purposely reach out to you.

Resource (blog post): 9 Ways to Grow Your Business in 2022

One Last Note!

You do not NEED a niche. And you can build a business without a niche. But if you’re looking to grow your business more quickly in 2022, start by simplifying your business and narrow your niche. 

If this makes sense to you intellectually but you’re struggling with all the niche drama your brain’s offering you, I can help. You can grab my free guide to identifying your ideal client and narrowing your niche below.

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