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Katrina K.


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What If I Don’t Know What I Want?

But what if I don’t know what I want?

This is a question I get asked a lot. Be honest. Do you know what you want?

So many times the women I work with know what they don’t want. They know what isn’t working for them right now. But they haven’t spent time asking themselves what they DO want. And they haven’t given themselves permission (without feeling guilty or ashamed) to create and have what they want.

But the problem is that when we don’t know what we want, it’s impossible to create it. 

It’s like wanting to go on vacation but not deciding where you want to go. You get in the car and start driving without actually having a destination. So you’re driving all over and taking all the turns and exits without ever getting closer to where you want to go. And you probably do this until you give up and go back home calling the trip a bust.

That’s what so many new entrepreneurs do.

They jump into entrepreneurship knowing they want to create a business but they haven’t clearly defined what they want that to look like. 

They haven’t been honest with themselves about what they want their lives to look like.

So they end up doing all the things. And if they finally create results in their businesses, they look back and realize they don’t like the way they created them.

Actually, if they’re being honest it looks a lot like what they were doing before they were an entrepreneur

And they know THAT is not what they wanted.

Instead, spend some time asking yourself what you want. Allow yourself to dream and get creative. Create safety for your ideas to flow out of you. I love letting myself create ideas without the pressure of feeling like I need to do anything with them. Don’t filter your ideas. Instead think of this as an opportunity to play. Listen to your ideas. Trust yourself and your ideas. And trust that your ideas are good for you and the world.

Once you have your ideas, then you can decide which you want to make a reality.

I’m here to help women build businesses AND lives they love. And that starts by helping women reconnect with themselves and claim what they want.

The journey into becoming an entrepreneur is so personal. It’s one of the greatest personal development journeys you’ll ever go on. And the more you know about what you want, both in your business and in your life, the more you can intentionally design your business to support the life you desire. 

It starts with YOU and the relationship you have with yourself.

You are The One and your time is now.

Let’s partner together to design your dream business and life!  If you’re ready to claim what you really want and build a business and life you love, I’m ready to coach you. Email me here to schedule your free discovery call.

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