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Creating Content for Each Phase of the Buyer’s Journey

I was talking with some of the coaches in my ConnectHer group last week about creating content. They wanted to know what types of content to create and how to know which type of content they should be posting for whom. So, their questions inspired this post. In this post I’m sharing information to help you understand your potential client at these 3 different phases: when they first meet you, as they learn more from you, and once they decide to buy from you. Knowing this will guide you in creating content for each phase of the buyer’s journey and more intentionally moving them through the process to becoming your next client. 

When I first started my business I didn’t have a content strategy. I just committed to posting consistently. If I look back at why I wasn’t making sales consistently, this was part of the reason. I didn’t have an awareness or understanding of what my community was thinking or what they needed from me to trust me enough to buy from me. Once I learned more about the buyer’s journey I still wasn’t sure what to post. Like the coaches in my group, I wanted to know more.  I don’t want you to have to take as long as I did to figure this out. Instead I want to help simplify this for you so you can feel confident that you know what content to create and why. So, let’s dive in!

Creating Content for the Awareness Phase

In this phase your ideal client is experiencing something they don’t like or they’re struggling with something but they don’t know why. They’re wondering what they could do to solve their problem. They’re somewhat aimlessly searching for answers to their problems. But at this point they don’t understand their problem well enough to really do something about it.

Here are a few things they might be searching for in the awareness phase:

  1. The types of symptoms they’re experiencing
  2. More information about the problem they’re experiencing
  3. The name of their problem
  4. What types of potential solutions exist

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to decide which type of content you want to create for your ideal client who’s in this phase of the buyer’s journey.

  1. What problem are they trying to solve?
  2. What are the symptoms they’re experiencing right now?
  3. What are the symptoms that are telling them they have a problem?
  4. What would help them better understand their problem?
  5. What information could I provide that would help them connect their problem to the solution I provide?
  6. How can I provide more value than other coaches so I can stand out, help them in a meaningful way, and build their trust right away?

In the awareness phase, create content that’s educational or informative. Help them understand their problem better. Focus on their pain points or their problems so they can understand why they’re experiencing what they’re experiencing. Share your own personal stories to help them see that you truly understand their problem. Help them increase their interest in finding the solution to their problem. Share information that helps them see how their life could look different if they solved this problem.

While creating content for this phase, make sure to…

Keep your messaging simple.

Use words and phrases they’re using.

Don’t overwhelm them.

Answer the questions they’re asking.

Help them solve their initial problem.

Don’t sell to them in this phase.

Creating Content for the Consideration Phase

I like to think of this as the “A-ha moment” phase. Your ideal client has had an A-ha moment. They now know they have a problem and they’re actively looking for a solution. 

In this phase you want to build credibility and gain trust. This phase helps your ideal client get to know you, like you, and trust you even more. Your goal here is to help them see the value of the solution you provide and recognize how much they need it. You want to focus on sharing how you help your ideal client solve the problem they have and move them closer to wanting to work with you. 

In the consideration phase, you want to position yourself as the expert guide. Your client is the focus of this journey. Share how you can help them overcome the problems they’re facing and live a life without them. 

Here are a few things your ideal client might be doing in the consideration phase:

  1. Downloading freebie after freebie
  2. Consuming lots of information trying to find just the right solution
  3. Trying to solve their problem on their own
  4. Comparing different options to decide which is best for them

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to decide which type of content you want to create for your ideal client who’s in the consideration phase of the buying cycle.

  1. What is the solution to their problem?
  2. What do they think is the solution to their problem?
  3. What can I share with them right now that would help them?
  4. What tangible results would they experience after working with me?
  5. What questions do they have that I can answer for them right now?

Creating Content for the Decision Phase

This is the phase where your ideal client is ready to invest in a solution to their problem. They’re motivated to buy. Now they’re looking at the various options they’ve found and they’re making a decision about which one is best for them. 

In this phase you want to show them what it’s like to work with you. Anticipate their needs and objections and address those in your marketing. Share your offer and communicate the results they’ll get from working with you. This is your time to highlight the solution you have to their pressing problem. Share testimonials and focus your marketing on painting the vision of how their life will be different after working with you.

Here are a few things your ideal client might be doing in the decision phase:

  1. Watching a few different coaches and making comparisons between them. 
  2. Asking themself which they feel most connected to.
  3. Wondering if they can learn more and if so, how.
  4. Looking at testimonials and doing the research to answer any of their concerns or doubts.

Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to decide which type of content you want to create for your ideal client who’s in the decision phase of the buying cycle.

  1. What are their objections and how can I address those?
  2. How do I stand out? What’s unique about my offer or the work I do?
  3. How can I share my offer with them in a way that helps them see its value?
  4. How can I help them make a decision that’s best for them?
  5. What do they need from me to help them more easily make this decision?

Resource (blog post): Understanding the Buyer’s Journey

One Last Note!

As you build your business, you’ll have ideal clients who are at every phase of the buyer’s journey. The goal is to vary your content to make sure you’re connecting with your ideal clients regardless of where they are on their journey. The more you understand about where they are, what they’re thinking and feeling, and what they need at each phase, the more you’ll be able to create content they find valuable. And this will help you move them into the decision phase. 

Resource (blog post): You’re Posting Consistently But Nobody’s Buying? Here’s Why

If you’re ready to start creating content that speaks directly to your ideal clients and converts them into clients, I can help you. Just send me an email here and I’ll reach out to set up a time so we can jump on a free consultation call.

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