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Stop Trying to Optimize Everything in Your Life and Business

Seriously, stop it!

This isn’t a popular stance, I know. 

But in the past 2 weeks I’ve had countless conversations with women both in person and online.

Some are entrepreneurs, some aren’t but all of them have been moms. 

Here’s a rough idea of how every conversation has gone.

I’m creating success. Things look great. Things really are great. I’ve optimized everything.  I have a content calendar that’s set for quarter 4 and I’ve figured out how to schedule everything in my life, down to when my husband and I have sex. Everything is perfect.

And when we dive deeper into the conversation, it always leads to the same place.

I’m not having any fun. I don’t really have any really close friends or I don’t have time to spend with them. I don’t have anything exciting to look forward to and there’s no room for spontaneity or creativity in my life or business. I’m just so busy. It feels like I’m on a treadmill that I never get off.

So, I’m going to say it again, stop trying to optimize every single thing in your life and business.

Instead see where you can ease up. See what you love having on the calendar and scheduled. But notice what you’d like to allow yourself to be more flexible with.

When you think about your desire to have more fun, dive into what that might look like for you. What are you craving more of? What do you miss doing that you used to do? What do other people do that you wish you were doing?

Choose one simple thing and see how you could add more of that into your life so you can start to have a bit more fun again.

So now I’m curious.

When you consider not scheduling or having a plan for everything, what are all the thoughts and fears that come up for you?

That is your static programming. 

Those are the beliefs that are fueling you and they’re the reason you’ve created the results you have right now in your life and business.

Having more fun, being more creative, allowing for more spontaneity, and having sex when you have a deep desire to, are all possible for you.

You need to weed out the beliefs you have now and plant and nurture new ones that support the version of yourself that you know your soul is craving.

Resource (blog post): Stop Optimizing Your Life – It’s Making You Miserable

This is the work that I’ve been doing myself for many years now and it’s what I know I can help you with. 

If you’re ready to give yourself permission to stop trying to optimize every single thing in your life and business and instead learn how to have fun again, I would love to walk side by side with you and help you do just that.

Email me HERE and let’s have a no pressure conversation about how I can help you through 1:1 coaching.

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